How weight loss clinics use EMShape® Neo to improve results

How weight loss clinics use EMShape® Neo to improve results

As a successful weight loss clinic, you’ve undoubtedly helped countless clients undergo dramatic body transformations, and you probably are already encouraging them to be proud of their significant weight loss achievements.  But what if they are still unsatisfied with their body appearance? Then it may be worth introducing them to the benefits of noninvasive EMShape® Neo.

Rejuva Fresh has developed EMShape® Neo, a revolutionary technology designed to enhance muscle strength, burn fat, and improve body tone. This cutting-edge solution is especially beneficial for those who have recently shed pounds and are struggling with sagging or lax skin and resistant areas of body fat. Experience a more satisfying weight loss journey with FDA cleared EMShape® Neo.

Discover EMShape Neo's features & benefits:

EMShape® Neo is an advanced noninvasive body contouring solution that effectively removes lingering fat deposits post-weight loss. Additionally, this innovative technology can also generate muscle growth during a quick 30-minute session.

The EMShape® Neo technology applies radio frequency (RF) and intense electromagnetic energies to promote fat reduction and muscle growth. The radio frequency energy raises muscle temperature, priming them for exertion, much like a pre-workout warm up. The RF heat also targets subcutaneous fat cells, destroying them and eliminating them from the body over time.

High intensity concentrated magnetic muscle training (HICMMT) is used to stimulate muscle fibers, leading to improved muscle contours and tone. This advanced technology is capable of reaching intensities that cannot be achieved through traditional workouts, resulting in the growth of new muscle fibers and cells for optimal results.

When should patients consider treatments with EMShape Neo?

EMShape® Neo is not a stand-alone solution for weight loss. Rather, it complements the services provided by weight loss clinics, offering additional support and assistance to those seeking help in their weight loss journey.

After reaching a healthy body weight range, patients can qualify for treatment.  EMShape® Neo sessions are perfect for individuals who have achieved their weight loss goals but still have trouble losing stubborn pockets of fat.

Using the EMShape® Neo technology, clinics can effectively target and reduce fat while also building muscle in key areas of the body.

  • Arms
  • Calves
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Love Handles
  • Buttocks
  • Shoulders
  • Back

The initial meeting between the patient and doctor or technician involves discussing expectations for results and reviewing the patient's medical history to determine if EMShape® Neo Neo is suitable for their needs. If deemed a good fit, a personalized treatment plan will be created.

If only one or two areas of the body are being treated then the session time will be only 30 minutes.  The session time may be longer if more areas are being treated.

The ideal approach for optimal results is often eight 30-minute sessions with 3-7 days of spacing between each session, as it has proven beneficial to a multitude of individuals. 

What patients will experience during an EMShape Neo session

Each EMShape® Neo  Neo session typically lasts 30-60 minutes, depending on how many body areas will be treated. Throughout the treatment, patients may experience a warming sensation similar to that of a hot stone massage and may also experience strong muscle contractions that help to tone the targeted muscles.

One of the notable advantages of these treatments is the lack of required downtime. Patients can resume their regular routine without any interruptions after their EMShape® Neo treatment session.

Despite not experiencing immediate changes, participants can expect to feel an increase in strength early on. After completing their last session, they should see a decrease in fat and greater muscle definition within a month. By adhering to a well-balanced diet and consistent exercise regimen, they can sustain these results over time.

How to add EMShape Neo to your practice? 

Rejuva Fresh is the developer of EMShape® Neo, and we offer all the latest and most popular models on our website.  After you purchase and receive your machine, we will also give you and your staff free training.

To discover which machine is best for your needs we welcome you to contact us and speak to a representative.  You are also welcome to schedule a demo in our showroom.  We are excited to collaborate with you!